Real Colorado Conflict and Resolution Plan
Real Colorado believe strongly that disagreements can be handled in a positive way that models for our players the right ways to work towards resolution. At Real Colorado, we encourage our members to hold general conflicts for 24 hours following a game or training to cool down and evaluate the desired outcome. Concerns should be directed as follows:
Complaints concerning the team, including the head coach, should first be addressed with the head coach.
When it surrounds player specific issues such as playing time, these should be first attempted by the player with varying degrees of parental attendance and support as indicated below:
12 years and younger: parent led with player in attendance as appropriate
13-14 years: player and parent led
15 and older: player led
Resolution does not always mean getting the answer that is wanted, but it does mean both sides were heard and treated fairly
Should a parent feel the concern was not heard or the situation treated fairly, they should document their concern to the appropriate Real Colorado staff member responsible for the age group and CC: head coach.
If after following the appropriate measures listed above and they are not satisfied with the outcome, the parent should document their concerns and send to Boys Technical Director for boys U11-U19, the Girls Technical Director for girls U11-U19 or the Director of Recreation if U10 an younger, in addition to the staff member responsible for the age group.
Should a concern center around Real Colorado general policies and guidelines, they should be documented and sent to the attention of the CEO.
Concerns about Neglect and Abuse
Real Colorado is committed to supporting a culture of compliance, ethical conduct and safety. You can easily express and report to Real Colorado concerns about any known or suspected violations of law, policy, ethics or rules regarding Real Colorado and its staff, athletes and members. Reporting such violations to Real Colorado supports our commitment to a culture of ethics, compliance and safety. To make a report either email the CEO or leave a message at 720-360-3882. Real Colorado does not retaliate and does not tolerate retaliation against any individual who makes a report in good faith.
Allegations of sexual misconduct involving Participants with Real Colorado should be promptly reported to the U.S. Center for SafeSport, which retains exclusive jurisdiction over the response and resolution to allegations of sexual misconduct.. Accordingly, all reports received by Real Colorado and involving allegations of sexual misconduct by participants will be promptly forwarded to the U.S. Center for SafeSport. Please see the US Center for SafeSport for more information or to make a report.
Reports made in good faith
All reports must be made in “Good Faith,” which means that the reporter has a genuine belief that a potential violation of law or policy has occurred in the past or is currently occurring. Good Faith belief, however, does not require that a suspected violation be an actual violation. In other words, a report may be in Good Faith even if the appropriate agency finds no evidence that the reported violation actually took place. Examples of bad faith reports would include situations where an individual makes reports that another person engaged in misconduct even though the reporting individual knows that such misconduct never occurred.